Reading Chapter 2, We're in Trouble, caught my eye. It is unbelievable to me that we are so capable of so many accomplishments that we just can't get along with each other. We can't get along with others in our own race, religion, class, gender, etc. The author was saying how people can be so creative, generous, and loving. Also, that people can take in the strange and unfamiliar and learn to understand and embrace it, but we just can't "get along." That is something that Rodney King also stated after he was beaten from police officers in
As an Early Childhood teacher, I try to teach these types of lessons to my student’s everyday, whether it’s through play, songs, story books, or actual disputes between students. I believe the smallest lesson counts. Bullying is a big factor in
I attached a link below showing some great books to use to discuss bullying matters with young children.
Bullying-Children's Books:
Multicultural Children's Literature:
Australian-Teen Hero*This was a big topic not to long ago. So I wanted to link this site just so we can remember how bullying affects everyone in the world.
Wow! You got an extra post up this week! Looks great!!